Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Big thanks

I'd like to thank you guys for the many expressions of sympathy and support you've given over the past couple of days—both in the comments on this journal, and through email and other venues as well.

However, I'd like to say that those of you who sent me nude photos via email to cheer me up totally got an edge over everyone else. Nice work, to you guys!

I'm feeling mostly better today, thanks to the wonders of modern pharmaceuticals. What I have isn't a summer cold, but although he assured me he was fairly certain it wasn't leprosy, the doctor wasn't exactly certain what's ailing me. However, he also said it wasn't contagious. And it's not anything sexually transmitted, either.

We'll be returning to more regular postings shortly. Thanks for your patience.


  1. YAY! Damn! I guess I missed out on sending you nude photos. I'll get on that. :)

  2. Maybe you haven't been honest with us, are you pregnant? If so don't try that Immaculate Conception crap on us, that was already used once and wouldn't fly

    Get better soon

  3. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I just hope you take it easy until the mysterious illness (which, for the sake of argument, I'll say is ebola) goes away. :D

    But seriously, rest and get better, my friend.


  4. Happy to hear your feelin better. Gotta get going soon stud.hal

  5. Glad you're feeling better. I hope your physician is considering your new environment as a contributing factor to your mystery malady. Maybe something you have no natural immunity a severe nutmeg allergy. Or an illness brought on by a beige-borne pathogen. Like j.croup or yankilepsy? Connecticutosis? Maybe a WASP sting?

    Okay—that's enough. Get well soon!

  6. Glad you're feeling a little better my friend.
    Glad that you had help with healing it. Take the time to rest and getting your strenght back, we will be waiting for you man. Always there to support you my sexy friend.


  7. HAHA -- I like Throb919's comment about a WASP sting! Feel better soon Rob!

  8. Thank goodness you're on the mend. I was going to send out a search party.

  9. Throb--

    You are too funny. Are you writing for Kathy Griffin?
