Thursday, June 27, 2024

Life Updates & Dirty Dorms

Gentle reader, it is a truth universal that when absence makes the heart yearn for its truant scribe of fleshly delights…Ahem. Excuse me. I’ve been hitting Bridgerton again. I’ll refrain from Whistledowning you all.

Hey, y’all. It’s been a while! There are reasons for my hiatus, none of them dire. I’ll go through them in a moment, after addressing the following.

This Site Has a New Look

You might have noticed there’s no longer an after-dinner-mint green hue to the background of the site, and I’ve also changed the name of it. To be honest, my eyes had grown weary of that sickly green color, and I was hoping the new theme might class up the joint.

A couple of you have written asking if using The Steed Archives signals my intent to sunset the blog. The short answer’s no. In fact…

There Will Be A New Entry or Two In the Near Future

Honest! I have one new essay nearly completed for your reading pleasure. I’ll probably post it early next week. There are also a few other encounters I’d like to chronicle while they’re still reasonably fresh in my mind, so expect some new erotic memoir pieces shortly. I’m sorry I didn’t get to them earlier in the year, but…

I’ve Been Busy!

During the winter and spring I had an unusually hectic class schedule. Normally, when I have delightful students (and I’ve been blessed by mostly delightful students for years), teaching is nothing but excitement and good times. However, this year I was plagued by several individuals who dragged their feet, didn’t contribute, resisted criticism, and made the semester a grind, both in and out of the classroom.

Additionally, right after the start of the new year, my elderly dad transitioned into an assisted living residence. The past couple of years for me have been a very hard road with him, as you’ve witnessed. Having him in a stable environment with round-the-clock supervision is a relief. Getting him adjusted, though, has neither been straightforward nor easy. He’s much closer to me now—only an hour’s drive, as opposed to eight. Commuting there and back takes significant bites out of my weeks, though.

Finally, in the spare time I’ve had, I really wanted to make headway on a couple of personal writing projects that didn’t involve dicks and holes. Erotic writing is valid and important. The fourteen years I’ve spent sharing my memory pieces here has been a core experience of my life. There are other literary pursuits that nourish me too, though!

Speaking of Dicks and Holes:
Introducing Dirty Dorms and Fresh Men

I am incredibly pleased to announce that one of my spring side projects is about to come to fruition. I guarantee it’s something you’ll enjoy.

Earlier in the year, I was invited to contribute to an anthology of erotic fiction, thematically focused on vintage college porn set in an era before mobile phones, before apps, heck, before the internet. It’s entitled Dirty Dorms and Fresh Men and is available for pre-order today!

Dirty Dorms and Fresh Men is an actual pulp-style book, the kind you can hold in your hands and proudly display upon your shelves. It’s handsomely printed and cleverly themed to resemble retro porn novels of the nineteen-sixties and seventies. Seriously: I used to see very similar covers in my earliest dirty bookstores. Within its pages you’ll find four stories the evocative titles Under the Boardwalk and Dormitory Urges and The Tearoom in the Trees.

My contribution, written under the moniker of J.W. Steed, is entitled Sleazy A. It’s a hefty, horny novella, not some slender, fly-by-night essay. The story is a picaresque single weekend in the life of a college sophomore who adventures from tearoom to bedroom to dressing room, mostly on his hands and knees. I’ve set it in the nineteen-eighties, and yeah…it’s about two-thirds autobiographical and one-third pure authorial magic.

I had a blast working on it earlier this year. I honestly think it’s some of the best and most fun work I’ve done (where the characters are nekkid, anyway).

I’ll be writing in more detail close to the release date of August 1 about Sleazy A and its real-life inspirations, but I’d really like to encourage you to head over to Amazon and pre-order a copy before August. If you prefer to avoid Amazon, the book will be available in select bookstores as well, including sexy landmarks like the Tom of Finland Museum…as if you need an excuse to visit there. You may also request your local book vendor to order a copy.

Honest talk: I’ve been putting free smutty memoir pieces on this site for nearly a decade and a half. I haven’t clogged your pages with advertising. I haven’t paywalled access to my stories behind a Patreon or Fans-style account. I haven’t monetized this project in any way—nor do I intend to. Buying Dirty Dorms would really go a long way in showing me your support, however. Whether you’ve enjoyed my writing for a long time or are a relatively new visitor, please consider purchasing a copy. It’s an easy and sexy way to thank this independent author of pornography for all the dirty thoughts I may have inspired, these many years.

Plus, I’m hoping that Dirty Dorms and Fresh Men will be but the first of several interesting published projects to come. So, please. If you’d like to help support a queer artist, purchase a copy at the link below.

I will be grateful.

And think of the opportunities you have to share the sticky, sweaty love! Do you know an older daddy who likes vintage porn, or a good boy with daddy issues who revels in the written word? Consider buying a copy for him as a gift! Are you a dad with a college-aged son? Dirty Dorms and Fresh Men would basically be the absolute best guidebook you could give that young man before he trundles off to the quad and the residence halls this autumn!

Also, give that kid my number, while you’re at it.

The publishing house for this project can be found at . There are already ten vintage-style pulps on sale over there, with more to come. If you sign up for their newsletter, you’ll be eligible to receive a free eBook.

Thanks for catching up, everybody. You’ll see more of me soon.


  1. Welcome back. You were missed.

  2. Yes, welcome back and missed, indeed.

  3. *Takes off shoes before entering* I like what you done with the place!
    Mind if I pop some popcorn while we wait for the feature presentation? 😏
