Monday, March 17, 2025

Coming Soon: Journey's End


See these bad boys all lined up in a row? They're advance paperback copies of my latest novella, Journey's End, which will be available May 1.

Journey's End is one of two short novels available in the duology Same Sex: Gay Science Fiction Clone Erotica. Science fiction and erotica, you ask? They go together quite smoothly!

My contribution is a tale of sexual fixation set in a distant, future solar system, where a scientist in charge of a team terraforming a planet for colonization makes the discovery that on the satellite station orbiting above the planet, Benny, his estranged ex-boyfriend, is fucking the researcher's clone. Consumed with jealousy and wracked with guilt from subterfuge, he spies on the pair's lovemaking through a video link, while obsessively he combs through his past to make sense of the new couple's sexual heat.

Until an opportunity comes along that might very well give him a chance to prove to Benny who, between himself and the despised clone, is the better man....

I'm incredibly proud of Journey's End. I've been publishing stories for nearly twenty-five years now, and consider this one among the very best I've written. And by purchasing Same Sex, you'll also be able to read author Frank Slater's Billy Club, a boisterous near-future tale in which street toughs attempt to score with a new breed of cloned law enforcement models.

If you've enjoyed the abundance of free erotic memoir I've posted over the years, or if you agree that it's vital more than ever to support queer speech and queer art, please consider pre-ordering a copy of Same Sex. If you pre-order today, a strapping delivery man will convey to your address both saucy stories packaged in that undeniably handsome cover on the first of May.

(I can't guarantee the strapping delivery man. But it might happen!)

I'll have more to say about the emotional writing process of Journey's End before it releases. Writing the thing was a wild ride, I'll tell you. I hope you'll choose to add this latest volume of my fiction to your shelves. Pre-order links are below.


Hey! If you've made it this far, chances are you enjoy my sexual memoir pieces. May I suggest you invest in one of my works of sexy erotica? 

If you enjoy vintage-style collections of hot, retro-themed gay fiction penned by some great authors of man on man erotica, please consider supporting me with a purchase of either Dirty Dorms & Fresh Men (which features my story Sleazy A) or Hustlers, Hoboes, & Outlaws (which features my story On the Block). 

Sleazy A is also available in epub format from Smashwords and in Kindle format from Amazon.

The publishing house for these projects can be found at . There are already many vintage-style pulps on sale over there, with more to come. If you sign up for the site's newsletter, you’ll be eligible to receive a free eBook.

Supporting my erotic fiction helps me maintain this blog and the erotic memoir pieces I've produced here for over a decade.