Thursday, January 6, 2011


The very first bareback blog on which I kept an eye didn’t last long. Somewhere between seven and ten years ago I stumbled upon a journal kept by a top in Manhattan who recorded several of his sexual adventures in vivid detail. The guy was a good enough writer. He knew how to set the scene, and had a good notion of how to describe the sex quickly and thoroughly.

I had a couple of beefs with his journal, though. One was that the guy only had sex every few weeks, and therefore his updates were sporadic. The other was that he had a severely overinflated view of his notoriety.

I wish I could remember the name of the blog, but it’s eluding my memory. We’ll call it That Bareback Blog. After only a very few entries, the blogger started to write a number of posts in which he’d step out into public and overhear people talking about his blog, which pleased him so greatly that he’d make posts about it that out-detailed the sexual encounters.

I remember one entry in which the guy was sitting at an outdoor cafe when he overheard two gay men gossiping in hushed whispers about how shocking That Bareback Blog was. “Everyone’s talking about it,” said one guy.

“Oh, I know,” said the other. “Half of the city is worried they’re going to end up on its pages!”

For a while, according to the blog, everywhere its writer would go, there would be little circles of titillated blog readers discussing him. In the gay bars. In the straight bars. In the clubs. In cafes, in bookstores, in the New York Public Library. With every new alleged eavesdropped overhearing, my patience grew a little thinner.

I think I lost my cool completely after reading a post in which the blogger was supposedly listening to two Macy’s clerks discussing his blog outside a dressing room while the author was within, trying on some pants. “Did you read the last entry of That Bareback Blog?” said one clerk to another.

“Oh my god yes,” said the other. “I have always wondered what That Bareback Blogger must look like.”

“I am sure he is a stud of the highest magnitude,” said the first.

“He has to be, with all the ass he gets. I wish it was me he was fucking,” said the second, no doubt with a girlish sigh. "The thought of it sends shivers up my spine!"

There was more conversation about That Bareback Blog, while the blogger stayed inside the dressing room with his ear to the curtain and his heart filled with devilish glee. Then the first clerk wandered off, and That Bareback Blogger stepped out of the dressing room, sans pants, and avec erection. “Now you know what the bareback blogger looks like,” he leered. And of course, instead of clubbing the guy over the head with a mannequin and calling security like any other department store employee might, the clerk murmured something about all his dreams coming true and letting the blogger take him in the dressing room, right then and there. Bow-chicka-bow-wow!

As I said, I kind of stopped reading the blog after that—I don’t think it lasted very much longer, anyway. It was obviously pure fantasy; the guy was trying to turn himself into a figure of public notoriety solely by the repeated insistence that he was being talked about all over the city. I highly, highly doubt that there were well-placed squadrons of gay men whispering in hushed cabals about a blog that was updated infrequently, never had a single comment, and lurked in one of the seediest and most obscure corners of the internet. You can't will yourself to be famous, that way.

Stranger things have happened, but I highly doubted this was one of them. When I started posting my own sex entries to this blog, one of the things I thought to myself was, Oh man, if I ever get like That Bareback Blogger, please just someone shoot me.

Well, gentlemen, get ready your pistols, because I've had my first taste of notoriety.

During the week between Christmas and the new year, I spent a night out on the town at a local gay bar to chug water from a bottle and stare at my favorite shirtless bartender while my friends drank themselves blotto. They guys at my table had been playing Scrabble on someone’s iPad and using their iPhones as tile racks—I KNOW DUDES, IT WAS A WILD AND CRAZY NIGHT—and we’d just finished the game when I noticed a guy watching me from nearby.

He was an attractive fellow in his late forties, short and narrow of frame, with dark eyes and a neatly-clipped beard that made him look somehow European. I was sitting next to a railing on which my arm rested with my bottle of water; when the Scrabble party broke up (I’m sorry, I can’t even pretend it was Dirty Word Scrabble, since the filthiest it got was when someone tried to make PHAGINA out of his rack—okay, it was me), a few of the guys at my table got up and walked away either to get drinks or run to the bathroom after all the triple-word tension. That’s when the bearded guy made his move.

At first he kind of casually leaned against the rail, only a few feet away, pretending to listen to the music while he took deep sips of his whiskey. Some of my friends returned and settled at the table’s far end to debate the merits of starting a new game, leaving me fairly unoccupied at the rail.

The bearded guy turned to me. “Is your name. . . ?”

The ellipsis in that last paragraph wasn’t to elide my identity. His voice actually trailed off in a series of almost audible dots. I raised my eyebrows, grinned a little at the thought he was coming on to me, and said, “You wanna know my name?”

The man was clearly nervous. “It’s just that I thought it might be Rob,” he said. “I thought you might be . . . Rob.” My eyebrows rose in surprise at the sound of the familiar name.

“Why do you think that?” I asked, curious.

“There’s a guy on the internet—he writes this blog,” he man said. He slugged back another mouthful of alcohol for fortification. “His name is Rob.”

I looked askance to see if any of my friends were eavesdropping. “I think I know what blog you mean.”

I thought I’d said the words with the appropriate amount of import, but apparently not. “It’s a blog about sex.”

“Yes,” I agreed. “That’s the one I was thinking about.”

“His name is Rob,” said the man. “He writes the blog.”

“Yes,” I said, enunciating slowly and with the weight of significance. “I think we’re both talking about the same blog, and the same Rob.”

“It’s a bareback blog. About sex.”

“Yeah.” By this time I’d grown a little testy with the guy, who didn’t seem to be picking up on what I was trying to signal to him.

“Bareback sex he has with other guys. In a blog. About bareback sex.”

The guy was loud, but not loud enough, I think, to be heard over the music and general commotion of the bar and the wild-ass Scrabble players. Still, he’d been talking to me long enough by that point that the others were beginning to notice. There were really only so many more theme and variations of ‘bareback sex blog’ that I wanted them to overhear. I shot up and walked around to the railing’s other side, where I could talk more privately with the guy. “That’s me,” I told him in his ear.

He nodded, then showed his utter incomprehension by saying, “This guy Rob, I followed a link from his bareback sex blog to one of his profiles, then I found his profile on Manhunt. He looks like you.” Up close, I could tell that he was way more inebriated than I’d first thought.

As I've admitted before, I don’t have locked photos on my Manhunt profile—I have a mixture of face and dick photos there because I don’t really have any compelling or prudish reasons not to let the two mix. I’ve had local guys recognize me in public before from Manhunt, and have written about it here. This is the first time, though, that someone was recognizing me as One Of Those Bareback Bloggers. “That’s because it is me,” I told him, talking much as I might to a particularly slow child. “That is my blog. I am the Rob you mean.”

“The bareback sex blogger,” he slurred.

“Yes,” I said.

“That’s you?” Maybe light was beginning to dawn.

“Yes, that’s me.”

“You’re that Rob?”

“I’m that Rob.”

For a moment I thought I’d finally gotten through to him. Then he peered at me blearily and repeated, “Because this Rob guy, he keeps a bareback blog. On the internet.”

It was then that the guy with whom my bearded friend had come into the bar arrived to retrieve him. I clapped the guy on the back and wished him well, then slunk back to my seat. “Who was that?” asked my friend Matt.

“Oh, just some guy,” I lied.

“Was he coming on to you?”

Curious question, that. For response I settled on, “Of course.”

“Oh. So he was drunk?”

I turned my back on the wag and pretended not to have heard.

So, my bearded reader, if you’re out there and you remember what happened at the bar, yes, that was me.

And thus ran my first taste of public recognition from a total stranger about my blog. Oh, notoriety. How sweet you seem upon the branches of your tree! And yet how like vinegar you taste when you reach the lips.


  1. Oh wow, you're THAT Rob? The one who writes the bareback sex blog? Really? 'Cause there's a guy who does that! Are you sure you're him??? (Thanks for starting my day off with laughter - and too bad the guy had WAY too much to drink! Hope his friends got him home okay!)

  2. Jonking,

    You may touch me.

    Yeah, he was pretty damned drunk. Poor guy. :-)

  3. Strikes me that guy was in that degree of drunkenness where he was actually conducting the conversation in his head, and was not actually present in your shared reality in any meaningful sense.

    Vinegar indeed.

  4. RedPhillip,

    I've never been drunk before, so that possibility didn't come instantly to mind. It makes total sense though!

  5. Lol this was funny! I would have gotten so annoyed with him for continuously asking. But then again, he was drunk. For shame... But nice post, as usual :)

  6. Early,

    It was pretty annoying. But ah. Such is the price of fame. Now I know what Brad Pitt has to deal with. Okay, Lindsay Lohan. Okay, Lindsay Lohan's second cousin.

  7. Hmm. I think I would have told him to go to the Starbucks down the street, strip naked, and wait in the bathroom stall so I could come bareback sex him all night long. Then I would have returned to Scrabble to spell out HANGAR (because there is surely a free R, right?).

  8. Lexchgo,

    I like the way you think!

  9. I'm pretty sure the blog you referred to in the beginning was "The Great Cock Hunt". I remember coming across it a few years back. And I totally agree with your reaction to his writing. I remember that I stopped reading because of his ridiculous arrogance.

  10. Caetano,

    No, it wasn't TGCH. One of Breeder's Readers point out that blog to me a while back as an example of how a blog could be transformed into book form, and I checked it out then. It definitely wasn't the same blog.

  11. The "pistol" is cocked and fully loaded...just name the time and the place.

  12. FelchingPisser,

    You don't have a pistol. You have a freakin' howitzer.


  13. Rob, this one had me actually LOLing at my cubicle. I love it!

  14. "How sweet you seem upon the branches of your tree! And yet how like vinegar you taste when you reach the lips"? Oh, Rob, I hate it when you haul out KISMET and start listening to it again. Next thing you know we'll be hearing you introduce Spencer with "And this is my beloved." It's just ... sad.

  15. Haha. In my mind's eye, I was imagining the bearded reader to be Kevin from The Office and that just absolutely made my day.

    Enjoy the notoriety. It sounds like it'll be a hoot. =P


  17. I'm guessing the blog you referred to was,"true confessions of a bareback top" and one of the entries had him get a sales associate fired from Barney's for fucking in the upstairs employee bathroom which the blogger described in detail. He was sort of his own wind in his sails. On the flip side, I am constantly hungry to devour your entries as your words feed me like no other. Through a sixth degree of separation I know someone who knows you (Justin Spring) and that makes me feel all the more connected and enamored of you. THANK YOU for ALL your talents.

  18. I'm pretty sure thatthe blog you were talking about was "Confessions of a Bareback Top." Was this the guy who claimed such good control that he could "cum a few squirts" in his bottoms, then pull out , mess around and put on a condom and then go through the motions that he was fucking "safe" at that point?

    I seem to remember the blog was mostly about his stealthing guys. And that one of his last posts dealth with him supposedly slipping a mickey to another dude at a bar, and basically raping him in the locked bathroom. Classy.

  19. Don't sell yourself short - your modesty is sweet, but your notoriety stretches further than you think.

    I live in Cape Town, South Africa, and if I could afford it I would hop on a plane to the US right now, because I am pining for you to fuck me. Just saying.

    So I'm stroking your ego, for lack of being able to stroke anything else of yours. ;)

  20. Buck,

    I'm glad to give you a chuckle!

  21. John,

    Don't send me in dark despair from all that I hunger for, but open your angel's arms to the stranger in paradise, and tell him that he need be a stranger no more.

  22. Andy,

    They couldn't have been more dissimilar, really, but if I ever get around to hiring actors for the movie of my life, I'm totally following your casting suggestion. It plays much better!

  23. Anonymous,

    Yes, a cross between Hugh Jackman and Tommy Lee Jones really about sums it up. Either that or a cross between Truman Capote and the Unibomber.

    No, seriously, I am just an ordinary, very average guy.

    I'm having a little bit of difficulty deciding whether or not your comment is supposed to be facetious, I have to admit. If it is, bravo. If not, thanks for your faith.

  24. Doubledunes,

    It's great to have a mutual connection. I'm as much a fan of Mr. Spring's as you are of mine. I hope you bought his book!

  25. Anonymous #2 and Doubledunes,

    I went to refresh my memory on the Confessions of a Bareback Top site, mostly by googling it. I seem to recall the blog because Gawker demonized it so much while it was running; I also remember it having that same veneer of falsehood. (Of course, with the number of angry letters I get from people who insist I am fabricating everything I write about, I suppose getting a clear sense of what constitutes 'truthiness' is pretty difficult.)

    The time frames are totally different, though. The blog I had in mind ran closer to the start of the last decade—and stealthing was not its primary focus. I seem to remember that Confessions got a lot of angry comments on his blog from the sites that attracted attention to him. The blog I was remembering had not a single one. And then there was the fact that Confessions actually was kind of notorious, thanks to Gawker's frequent breathless posts about him. The other guy? Only in his own head.

    I hadn't thought about Confessions in a while, though. That was kind of a blast from the not-so-distant past.

  26. Adam,

    You're the sweet one, my friend. Both I and my ravenous ego thank you.

  27. Rob,

    I happen to stumble upon your blog and have been totally emmersed in catching up, neglecting my own blog posts.

    Your dedication and frequent postings has inspired me to become more dedicated to my blog and find the time, like you have, to regularly post. My readers, who are not registered followers, have commented that I haven't posted lately. I think I may have spoiled them in the beginning by sending email notifications.

    Your notoriety experience brings back the memory of an encounter I had in a doctor's office where I was recognized from a little church play I was in. Granted it is not the same as being recognized for your blog by a stranger. I know most of my readers including former high school teachers who inquire about my well being from my blog postings at class reunions. Awkward!

    Thanks for your journal,
    A new subscriber

  28. ECagelove,

    Hey, thanks for that nice comment, and I'm glad you're reading. That must've been some play! I hope you at least had a featured role (if not the starring part).

  29. You have done a wonderful job of skewering an inflated sense of fame. Part of the joke to me is that you don’t have an inflated sense of fame. While you may throw out the occasional comment of self-congratulation, it is very much tongue-in-cheek. You are very grounded.

  30. I've been an avid reader of your blog... Great stuff!! Avid barebacker myself. Google just issued new guidelines for the Blog Service. When you go private with this blog would you let us know, so we can continue to follow you?
