Thursday, October 21, 2010


Cruising sites are the wild west of the internet. Anything goes in them there parts. They’re dusty and sometimes seemingly deserted; the arbitrary rules on some totally disappear on others, making the whole thing seem lawless. The stage coach pulls into town daily, disgorging a whole new gaggle of passengers who immediately put up profiles proclaiming that they’re not there for hookups, really, don’t ask them, and that they are ONLY there to look at photos and NOTHING ELSE. (Until they’re horny five minutes later from looking at photos, and hitting me up.) It’s every man for himself, in those wild regions of cyberspace.

Every sheep for itself, on some of them.

And they’re pretty uncivil, by and large. It seems as if a lot of the Manhunts and Gay.coms are populated by guys who make rudeness almost into an art form, transforming it in new and always creative ways to get the maximum impact out of an unkind word or obscene gesture. Behind the anonymity of a faceless profile, or a profile sporting a face that belongs to someone else, it’s easy to strike out at someone—it’s easier to think of other cruisers and chatters as abstracts, rather than living and breathing people whose feelings might be hurt. Those moments when a sarcastic remark, a put-down, or a jab at someone’s appearance might elevate a bastard’s ego are totally worth any theoretical pain on the parts of their intended victims.

I get that. I get that guys are tired of putting themselves out there and being shot down, or being treated rudely, or getting the short end of contentious arguments with numbskulls. We all want—and even more importantly, deserve—a little respect.

But gentlemen. Let us not. in our horrified reactions to the incivility we witness, swerve too far in the opposite direction.

I mentally call them ‘Schoolmarm Profiles.’ What they all have in common is the desire to instruct, chastise, and whap the palms of their readers with a sharp-edged ruler in punishment for all the mischief they may or may not have caused. And as rude as I find the if u r old enuf 2 be my dad then dont msg 2 get with me unless you are super hot LOL idiot profiles out there, I find the schoolmarms even more off-putting.

The schoolmarms usually have a litany of musts and must-nots that they’ll gladly list in exquisite detail in their profiles for you. Usually with an abundance of capitalization. I’m excerpting from one:

It is a shame that on sights like these we cannot be polite to each other. Polite means REPLYING to EVERY EMAIL YOU GET no matter if you want to meet the guy or not. For example I answer EVERY EMAIL I GET and I expect you to do the same. Is it so hard to answer your mail guys? All you have to do is say NO THANK YOU if you are not interested, be a MAN not a PUNKASS, it isn’t so tough.

Or, and I’m quoting again,

It is 2010 not 1800 so dam fools, GET YOURSELFS A PIC. You got NO CAUSE to be on here without one and I WILL NOT TALK TO YOU if you don’t got one. Also NO SMILES NO WINKS NO BLANK MESSAGES where you just unlock and say nothing. If you disobey any of these rules I will delete your ass!!!

Sometimes the schoomarms will take up long, long stretches of screen real estate in their lectures on internet etiquette and propriety. Running through it all is a barely-concealed anger that, boiled down to its essence, sounds like it would be the refrain to a country song: someone done me wrong.

Now, I have some sympathies with what the schoolmarms are often saying. The basics of their messages aren’t wrong. I think it is polite to reply to all the notes I get on these websites. I think a polite ‘no thanks’ is much better than rudeness. And I don’t think that asking for a photos is really too much.

However. I completely support the rights of guys on websites to behave how they want, if they’re not being outright tools. If someone doesn’t want to have a photograph—fine. Don’t have a photograph. I personally won’t be meeting you until I see one, but I can understand that some guys are shy about it, or afraid to show themselves, or worried that a constituent in the congressional district they represent might recognize them from their campaign literature. That’s peachy. Be prepared to get a lot of rejections and to have to explain that you’re worried your grandmother who doesn’t have internet access might run across your account, but it’s totally your life and your right to do what you want with it.

Likewise, though I think it’s polite to reply to every email I get on a cruising site, I don’t always do it. Though typically I’ll reply to just about anyone who’s not unpleasant with a thank-you or a nice remark, guys who are dicks I’ll simply ignore. And if someone’s aggressively obnoxious, I’ll either decline to engage with them. If it’s a guy writing to tell me I’m not following the rules he’s decided to enforce in this particular little corner of the internet, well, I’ll probably block him from communicating with me altogether.

As much as I’d like everyone to be nice and pleasant with each other, I have this basic resistance to anyone else controlling my reactions and attempting to dictate how I live my life, even on something as trivial as a hookup site. If you’re not paying my fifteen dollars a month to belong to Manhunt, you have no right to tell me how to use it or what I can do there. If you were paying it, probably still not even then would I let you.

It seems to me that, as with so many other things, setting a good example is the best way to avoid the spiky officiousness of even the best-intentioned schoolmarmery. Say something like, I answer all messages! and leave it at that. No one needs to know that anyone who doesn’t behave like you is a fool who deserves to be shunned. Be polite. Let your personal philosophy shine through your actions, not be codified in an impenetrable wall of text.

The internet is wilderness enough. We don’t need the schoolmarms dashing about with their canes and rulers, meting out justice.


  1. Canes and rulers can be fun :-p

    But seriously, you hit the nail on the head. I can understand where most of these complaints come from, but tirades like the ones you quote just make the profile owners look bitter and unpleasant. What a turn-off!


  2. I also hate when someone initiates an IM or a private chat and then says nothing for five minutes!

  3. Rob:

    I am impressed by how you add a taste of vernacular, extended metaphor and keen social commentary to the proficiencies displayed in this blog. This is not a mix so much as it is a synergistic blend. Let me just share one personal fact that differs a little from your observations.

    I am no doubt unusual, but I truly do visit cruising sites just to look at the pictures. This is partly because gay is not good in my vocation, partly because I live in a polis and can easily get to bars and partly because I do not register or participate, which means that I do no harm. (My cruising tastes have always been tame, which the Internet has not really changed.) This is just as much a matter of liking to observe people as it is one of eroticism; I might be uncommon, but would doubt that I am alone ("just a thought").

    Anonicus II

  4. Omg thanks for posting this. I just joined manhunt I am shocked how rude and unhappy guys are. It also seems like a giant job interview let me see ur face what u into? How old are u. Sex is suppose to be fun not a desperate mission. I want fucked its not all the complicated

  5. And I desperately want to hook up with you Rob

  6. I agree with your assessment that most people do the online cruising wrong.

    I tend to think that guys forget these aren't machines you're talking to because the people are inside the machines to we're they're talking.


    Meaning that you have to get through the computer (mine field) in order to get to the people (or person) causing one to have to relate or have a relationship with what is a computer until or unless something or someone lets us through to the person.

    And such is the nature of the beast. Men stand behind the machine when trying to penetrate it. And other men wish to penetrate it but have to go through the machinery anyway.

    Somewhere in the picture is always the machine, in other words. Until it becomes real (or as real as is mutually satisfying).

    This is why I stick to the hole (sometimes literally). I can deal with a wall when its a wall and not so much a wall when its a computer.

    Although a wall is only as effective as the way we use it. Even a gloryhole is a wall someone penetrated. I suppose the trick is accepting how much of a hole in it the other person has chosen to make though.

  7. Can I add one more thing that drives me crazy?

    It's people who can't quite get it through their heads that people have preferences, plain and simple. That me not being sexually attracted to a black, or Asian, guy makes me as racist as my non-attraction to women makes me a misogynist. Jesus! I don't like strawberries–it doesn't make me fruitist!

    I have a very polite statement on my Adam4Adam profile that 1) I'm there to hook up and that 2) I think black guys are hot, but I don't want to fuck them. So of course 1/2 of the emails I get are from black dudes looking to hook up.

    Maybe THAT's why some people don't get replies to their emails.

  8. Hard Top,

    Yeah, exactly what you said. You understand the reasoning behind it and you might even agree with some of it, but the bitterness of it all is more off-putting than the infractions themselves.

  9. Jase,

    I get that one a lot, actually. I can even predict the guys who'll do it, and I'll say to myself, "He's going to message me then sit there and expect me to carry the conversation." When I don't, and they never say anything, I close the window.

  10. Anonicus,

    I have no doubt that there are people on hookup sites who are genuinely there to look at the photos and nothing else.

    They are not, however, the guys who have 'Just looking at the pics NO HOOKUPS' posted prominently next to several photos of their ass, who are messaging me with 'Lookin' good dude wassup?'

  11. Johnny,

    Life would be easier if guys would be honest about the fact that they have sex, if they'd admit to the kinds of sex they like to have, and if they didn't feel ashamed for wanting to have it.

  12. Mr. GHJ,

    I think the hole is a lot more honest in a lot of ways. The transaction is simpler; either you stick your dick through, or you don't. If the guy doesn't, another will be along in five minutes. Or less.

    Besides, with the hole, you know the man is standing on the other side, living and breathing. You can hear the noises he makes, catch glimpses of his clothing and whether or not he wears a ring, smell him, and make a lot of quick assessments that the distance and space of the computer make difficult or impossible.

    You said 'penetrate.' Heh. Heh-heh. Heh.

  13. Anonymous,

    I agree that most of us are helpless to our personal preferences. We like some things more than others. And polite is good, when stating those preferences.

    I think it's the guys who aren't polite, though, that make it difficult for those who are. Some guy who says "I HATE FATS AND FEMS SO DO NOT MESSAGE ME IF YOU ARE FAT UGLY AND FEM" is going to generate a lot of rancor that's going to spill over onto the nicer fellow who's said, in a more positive manner, "I prefer thin or athletic body types."

  14. Breeder:

    Perhaps those are your "outright tools".


  15. Having preferences are perfectly normal, but turning down an entire race (likely based on stereotypes) of people is just absurd and ignorant. There are both attractive and not-so-attractive people in ALL races, ya know.

    On a slightly brutal note, there's no denying that being white AND attractive (uh yes, unattractive white people do exist!) does get one the cream of the crop from all races when it ESPECIALLY comes to online cruising.

  16. Anonymous,

    I've always been relatively lucky in that I find guys of all races attractive. But I'm not hardwired to have my tastes lie in only one direction, as some guys seem to be.

    I don't think it matters what race you are. Even when you're attractive, sometimes it's still mighty tough to get laid online.

  17. Same coin, two sides: tools/schoolmarms. Yes, both are turn-offs and ridiculous, given the intent for the vast majority is to make a connection. I attempt to be polite to those that contact me, while also trying to encourage some better communication. But, for me, it can be difficult navigate the virtual world as I keep trying to connect it to Real Life. Basically, because I know there's another human there and that's what interests me.
