Saturday, October 23, 2010

The State I'm In

Those of you who studied the title of today's post might have automatically assumed that I've finally accomplished my short-term goal of moving to the northeast U.S. But no, I'm still here in the midwest, trying to sell my house so that I can join the rest of my family in New England.

What I really should've titled today's post was 'The State of my Mailbox,' since that's what I'll be addressing. I'm taking an administrative stance here today, fellows. No smut follows. Sorry to disappoint you.

One of the reasons I enjoy blogging is the interaction with my readers. I like the dialogues started in my comments, or the memories I'll sometimes trigger with you guys that you'll take the time to post. I like the emails you send me, and the questions you ask. My line of everyday work tends to be fairly isolated, so the online contact means a lot to me.

I get a lot of fan mail from the blog. I actually get a lot more fan mail from the blog than I do for my everyday line of creative work, in which I have actual fans. (Okay, one fan. She's like Mel, in Flight of the Conchords.) Unless the email is aggressively unpleasant or spam or obviously doesn't require an answer, I like to answer every single one of my emails.

There are times when I am very industrious and set aside several hours to work my way through my inbox  until every letter is answered. Then, with a great feeling of accomplishment, I take my carpal tunneled wrists and go relax for a bit. When I return to my computer an hour later, the inbox is full again, and the flood's rising.

The minor drawback is that I do a lot of typing. The major thing to remember, though, is that I love you guys and love that you write me.

What I'd like to say today is simple: gosh, don't stop writing me. And rest assured that I will write you back. However, please don't panic, or assume I dislike you, or sever all bonds of friendship because my reply is not immediate.

My blog is about my sex life, and it's been a substantial part of my life for many months. It isn't my entire life, however. I don't get paid to keep it up. (The more it feels like an unpaid job, the less I'm likely to enjoy it.) I am a man who is trying to keep his shit together during a period of my life that's been—to say the very least—more hectic and stressful than anything this side of a death in the family.

So if I am a little tardy in responding to your emails, please forgive me. I honestly will get around to them.

Don't let the message you take away today be, Well fine! I just won't write you then! That's not what I'm asking. Simply let me not have to type, at the beginning of every one of my overdue missives, I'm so sorry to be late in replying to you, but my life has been hectic lately! 

Just take that part as a given.

Carry on with your weekends—and have a good one. I'm already two fucks behind in my entries, and we'll have more to catch up on, next week.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I know, for me personally, since I have shared so deeply with you, I do get nervous and think "oh, no, I am bothering him..he doesn't like me, he needs a reprieve from me, etc.." I am sure my insecurity is rooted in the fact that I have shared with friends in the past and then felt like they were no longer there - for whatever reason. On the flip side, I think if anyone is pushing the limits or making too many demands, it is 110% acceptable to let them know that they have crossed the line. I am sure that it is stressful being such a huge celebrity =)

    I think you are amazing and enjoy all I have learned. It is an honor to be a part of your world and I am grateful you have chosen to share it with so many of us here in the virtual world.

  2. Rob -- even though I don't write/comment much - you are always in my thoughts and in my jack-off fantasies. I find your posts sexually stimulating and fascinating to the max. If it can be said that one could "love" someone through their writings and sharing - then I'm that person.

    Please let Joey Dee know that he needs to continue posting. I think I would find his work to be interesting also.

  3. The fact that you reply to each and every piece of your fan mail says a lot about you as a person. It's obviously that a lot of people love your blog (for good reason), and I'm sure I'm not alone is saying that we really like the fact that you seem like a genuinely nice guy.

  4. I actually thought "The State I'm In" might refer your mood ring forecast for the weekend. Here's hoping your thermochromic barometer finds you bright Breeder blue. As I recall, on the official Mood Ring Color Chart®, blue indicates Calm/Relaxed/Lovable.

    Wishing you a weekend that's Calm and Relaxed. As to Lovable, it's a given.

  5. I can't believe you reply to evey single piece Bravo to you...I'm not sure I could do it.

    loving this blog mate;)

  6. Yea I am probably the worst offender of this. As you are friend confidant and therapist and my dream hook up I get all excited with your every email. Thank you

  7. if i get 50 emails in my inbox i already feel it's a chore to read them all. while you have the desire and energy not only to read, but to answer back! just. wow.

    anonymous tony

  8. Joey Dee,

    I just worry that everyone I've gotten to know thinks I'm pushing them away when the simple fact of the matter is that there are only so many minutes in the day for me. I've already had people complaining of hurt feelings and I'd like to prevent more, if possible.

  9. Hey Mr. Sammy Bear!

    I'm glad you're still around. I love you right back, my friend.

  10. Luv2suk,

    I genuinely wasn't fishing for compliments, but if that's what I'm going to get from you, I'm just going to thank you for them and beam.

  11. Throb,

    When I was in seventh grade our evil social studies teacher wore a mood ring. We didn't realize it was a mood ring for the longest time, because it was always onyx black.

  12. David,

    I'm glad you're along for the ride, my friend.

  13. Johnny,

    There's no worst offender. Well, maybe there is. But you're not it.

  14. Anonymous Tony,

    I have 83 in my box right now and it is f-r-e-a-k-i-n-g m-e o-u-t m-a-n!

  15. Right now, I have over 4,000 unread emails in my account. I long ago gave up any hope of ever catching up again. I just can't absorb them all. Thus, I admire you even more for not only resolving, but succeeding, at staying so on top of your email.

    You truly are a MASTER at staying on top and absorbing things.

  16. Jonking,

    Jeez, who's sending you all those emails? Those are the non-spam kind? I feel like a putz for complaining about 80 of them. (Though now I'm down to 64.)

  17. Aw, 'fess up. You're an attention nympho. You're lovin' it all.

  18. Big lol! @ "because it was always onyx black."

  19. Anonymous,

    I've never made any pretense of pretending I'm not an attention whore. Point me in the direction of an aggressive top man who isn't fond of attention! I've never seen such a beast.

    However, much as I am loving the emails, I really don't like not being able to answer them in as timely a manner as I really wish. That part really bugs me, and that's what I was attempting to address in this entry.

  20. I won't fault you for having a life outside of my comments/emails if you don't fault me for filling up your inbox. Anyone who spends even a minute amount of thought power on it would realize you aren't simply sitting in front of the computer waiting for the emails/comments to arrive. Laundry! Shopping! Work! Meetings! Commuting! Sleep! And other, more fun things.
